Make a Booking
Any questions, give us a buzz or call us on 0121 299 0188.
By proceeding with the booking and making a payment through this page, you hereby agree to appoint Second Nature Behaviour to provide animal behaviour counselling using the services you select on this booking form (further detailed here) and on the Terms and Conditions of Business as detailed here, or as previously sent to you if you are an existing client. Your service will start from the date you pay the fee.
Please note the following important points:
Your legal right to change your mind (“Cooling-off rights”):
By law, if you enter into a contract at a distance, i.e. where there is no face-to-face negotiation such as via a telephone booking or online, you have a right to cancel within 14 calendar days from the date the contract is concluded. Please see our Terms and Conditions of Business on how to do so.
However, if you would like us to provide our service immediately, and if you subsequently decide to cancel within the 14-day cancellation period, you will need to pay for any services delivered until the point at which you cancel. You also acknowledge that if the service has been fully performed during the cancellation period, your cancellation rights will be lost.
Cancellation or re-scheduling of sessions: we keep to a tight timetable so as to arrange our resources for the day and to allow all our clients to plan their day and their pet’s routine. Therefore, regrettably, if you do cancel a session or want to re-arrange it without giving at least five working days’ notice, we cannot refund the session paid for, and any replacement sessions will need to be paid for at our current rates. See the details of our cancellation policy in the ‘Key Facts’ of the service chosen.
Note that where we collect payment in instalments, if you decide to cancel a service before it is completed (other than in accordance with your ‘cooling off rights’), the full Fee remains payable and will continue to be collected.
Key Contact: whilst Second Nature Behaviour Ltd will endeavour to provide the same key contact for your pet for all sessions, there may be times when they are on annual leave or sickness absence or are unable to provide the Services due to unforeseen circumstances. If this happens, we will let you know and resume the Services as soon as we are able. Note that there may also be times when it is appropriate for another staff member to lead a session due to the necessities of your animal’s case. Cases are allocated to one of our team based on our senior behaviourists’ clinical judgement.
By making a booking, you confirm that you are over 18 years old and you accept that participating in an activity with animals, children and adults poses a risk of injury to yourself and your pet, and you agree to indemnify us for all personal injury to any of our staff and damage to our property while attending the consultation. You also agree to make any person who accompanies you to the consultation aware that they are also there at their own risk.
Data protection notice: Second Nature Behaviour will use personal data about you for the purpose of providing animal behaviour counselling services, as well as for our internal administration and management purposes. We will treat all of this information in confidence and keep it secure. We may need to share it with veterinary staff and other animal care professionals for the purpose of helping us to provide the animal behaviour counselling services to you but will only do so with your permission. For more information about how we use your data, please see our Privacy Policy, which also contains information about your privacy rights. Please note that if you make a booking through the form on this page, your data will be encrypted and processed in accordance with the Pabau Privacy Policy.