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Veterinary Referral Form

Submit our online veterinary referral form

Behaviour problems may arise both directly and indirectly as a result of concurrent or previous medical problems. Veterinary involvement is therefore essential in eliminating organic causes of the problem and prioritising the diagnostic and treatment strategy to be used in any given case. In order to safeguard the welfare of your patient and indicate your approval of referral to the Second Nature Behaviour team, please complete the following veterinary referral form.

Your clients can often claim back our fees on their pet insurance and we accept direct claims from a range of insurers.

Multiple animals within the home?

If there are multiple animals in the household, they must all be included in this referral, as they often impact each other’s behaviour. However, please do indicate the animal with the main issue.

Data protection notice:

Second Nature Behaviour will use personal data about this animal for the purpose of providing clinical animal behaviour and training services, as well as for our internal administration and management purposes. We will treat all of this information in confidence and keep it secure. We may need to share it with veterinary staff and other animal care professionals for the purpose of helping us to provide the clinical animal behaviour and training services, but we will only do so with your permission and your client’s permission. For more information about how we use your data, please see our Privacy Policy on our web site, which also contains information about your privacy rights.

Prescriptions & OOH Care:

You are the client’s normal and primary Veterinary Surgeon. By signing this form, you agree that any prescription of medication and provision of 24-7 emergency care remains the responsibility of the referring veterinary practice and we will direct your clients as such.

VB or CAB?

Cases may be led by a Veterinary Behaviourist (VB) or a (non-vet) Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CAB), dependent upon case needs, so please indicate your preference below. A VB would be more appropriate where medical causes for unwanted behaviour cannot be eliminated or addressed by the Referring Vet, the ability to oversee the prescription of psychoactive medications is not available within the Referring Veterinary team, or there are complex medical and behaviour co-morbidities.  If you think there may be medical influences on the behaviour, please refer your case to our VB.

Remote VB advice?

Remote advice for the case may need to be sought from a Veterinary Behaviourist. This is on the understanding that the Veterinary Behaviourist will be remote from the patient and will not be able to perform a physical clinical exam, so the Veterinary Behaviourist cannot provide a diagnosis, but they can provide advice to the Referring Vet about treatment or further investigations relevant to the case. Second Nature Behaviour will then implement the advice according to your instruction and report back to you on the outcome. If you do not wish remote VB advice to be sought, please indicate this below.

Student involvement?

As Second Nature Behaviour are active in the training of behaviourists working towards independent accreditation, pet behaviour students may sit in on your patient’s consultation, or advanced students may lead the consultation under the direct supervision of one of our senior behaviourists. All students sign strict confidentiality agreements and are appropriately insured. If you would prefer your client not to be offered a student consultation, please let us know in the form below.

Otis Grace & Dom
Emma the vet
Luke, Harry and Trixy
Jules and Linda
Harry & Phantom
Lily & Kiki
Nicki the vet
Benji, Dawn and Paul
Hettie, Lily & Chester
Nardie's Flock
Ted, Rob and Michelle
Finn & Deborah
Cocky and Timothy
Charlie & Milo
Marley & Elaine
Chip, James & Sarah
Billie, Tammy & Mary
Riley & Paul
Riley & Paul
Pebbles & family
Trinity, Bella & Rachael
Dotty, Annie & Colin
Brambles & Corinne
Bubba, Karen & Gary
Alfie, Mary, Michael & Chris
Ernie, Jennie, Ian & Alfie
Ozzy & Bev
Goldie & Lucy
Sophie, Chloe & Rosie
Blaze, Laura & Glyn
Cocoa & Julia
Bailey, Andrew & Denise
Dylan, Juliet & Carl
Frank & Lynne
Buzz, Andy & Faye
Jessie, Charlotte & Dan
Yogi & Rupert
Murphy & Anna
Irene & Pauline
Kizzy, Gyp, Barry & Hilary
Alfie & Charley
Don & Poppy
Bobby & Jayne
Cookie, Storm, Andy & Julie
Bracken & Vivienne
Dexter & Dougie
Sadie, Julie and Mark
Skye & Lynette
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